Thursday, October 25, 2012


Hey guys,
I figured I would blog my Invisalign experience.  I have been scouring the internet for weeks now since I found out I was getting invisalign and I have not been able to find all the answers to my never-ending questions!
My teeth are actually pretty good I used to have braces years ago.  I lost my retainer when I was younger and never got another one.  My orthodontist told me a long time ago you are one of the ones who have to wear your retainer for the rest of your life...Now at 28 I wish I begged and pleaded my parents more as my teeth have a larger space then they did before I had braces!  My wisdom teeth were removed and that created more space for my teeth to move on top.


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Moles update...

THEY ARE GONE!! Yayyy apple cider really works for everything! Pin It
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