Saturday, July 12, 2014

TRIA 4x!

Well it has been two years since my last post!  Sorry to everyone that followed my blog.  I have decided to come back online in order to chronicle my experience with my new best friend.... the Tria 4x.
I have spent months going through every article, blog and youtube video I could find on the Tria 4x.
I was in astonishment that I had never heard of this until now.  I can buy a laser... a real laser.. and take it home? I know that it's not the laser from Goldfinger or anything, but it is a laser that can permanently remove hair.. and that my friends is amazing!

Now months later I finally made the leap and spent $500 on the Tria 4x.  I came home this morning from Sephora and immediately plugged it in in order to charge.  Imagine not having to shave everyday!  It was like it was birthday today,  I was giddy.  I'm not going to ramble on about who or how to use the Tria 4x.. it is all over the internet.  I am just going to share my experience, observations and results.
I'm hoping my experience can shed some light on some questions anyone may have.

My first observation is that the thicker and darker the hair, the more it hurts.  I have a bevy of oddities to contend with while laser hair removing.  I have black hair on legs, blond hair on my arms and face and everything is brown.  I have many freckles, moles and tattoos to work around with the laser.  I have very light skin .. it is almost see-through without a tan.  What this results in is even when I exfoliate and shave you can still see the hair!  There it is, just under the skin in all of its glory..I hate it!

When I was younger I was a competitive swimmer.  What this means is you shave everything a bating suit and cap does not cover.  I also began shaving when I was 12 against my mother's wishes.  I now have two or three hairs coming out of one pore... everywhere on my lower legs.
Now that that is established Tria does not hurt per say as you control the level.  I had read some user say that on one they felt nothing..and five was tolerable.. well ladies more power to you.  My lower legs, where there is thick dark hair I could feel level one.

To clarify Tria 4x takes time and after the first use I can potentially expect my hair growth slower and thinner than previously.  My game plan is to use a lower level the first time I use it hoping to turn up the levels as my hair thins out.

For the first time I did one leg on level three and one leg on level two. I don't know why but one leg hurt much more than the other on level three. I used a level three on my underarms and on my stomach.  I don't really have much hair at all on my stomach but I do get the occasional dark hair and it is usually ingrown so it's getting Tria'd.  All of which I used the numbing/cooling cream that you can purchase with the Tria from Sephora... I don't know how well it works... I think it's more of a placebo than anything... but it makes me feel better so I will continue to use it.
My arm hair is blonde and I have quite a few moles so I am not going to bother doing them as blonde hair will not work with the Tria machine.

There are estimated pulses for each area given to you in the manual ... I'm not sure if i'm smaller than most... i'm 5'7 and about 115lbs so I doubt it.. but I used less on both legs and with my underarms it did not seem right.  The manual said 100 pulses... I did the whole area in about 20.. and there was over lapping.  So I decided on the underarms to just go over the same area over and over again.  I did about 75 on each side.  We will see if that will have a reaction or not!  Each leg was about 400 lower and 400 upper leg.  It was recommended 600.  So I couldn't do that area over and over.. it will be a good comparison if A: do you need to go over the same spot more then once and B: If you do, will it have a reaction.. here's to hoping not, as a reaction on my underarms would suck in the middle of the summer!

I'm charging my machine now and am going to tackle my bikini line next... everything below my neck is going! I hate body hair... not on other people.. just me and that is a personal preference. I'm also thirty and have been shaving for 18 years and I know what I like.

I will have to wait to see results.  I read quite a few reviews where many women wrote that even after the first treatment they shaved less.   I hope so because i'm over shaving everyday it has been almost twenty years and even shaving less is amazing and worth every penny of the $500.
The laser treatment works better the higher the level you go.  So if the next time I cannot get up to a higher level I am going to look into a different numbing cream.  I want to do level five as everyone I read online said that even after one treatment on level five people got about 70% hair reduction ..

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