Friday, August 17, 2012

Removing Moles With Apple Cider Vinegar

Hi everyone,
I have decided to do some experimenting and I decided to share my project.  If you are anything like me, you have a mole somewhere that you hate more than anything!  In my case I have a fair amount of flat moles that don't really bother me.  I do however have two raised moles on my stomach that have been the death of me since I was 14 years old.  I hate wearing bikinis because I feel like that is all anyone is looking at.  Needless to say when I read an article about mole natural mole removal I had to try them.   The first method I chose to try was honey.  I'll admit it I was scared to try the other methods as they may be painful and are most certainly much more aggressive methods.  I applied pure honey to the moles three times a day for an hour each time for a week.  In reading the articles I knew it take as long as a month for the honey to have worked and I became very impatient.  After spending hours online the one method that constantly came up as a successful method was apple cider vinegar with "mother" which is just unfiltered and unpasteurized.  At first I was once again nervous it would hurt so I decided to skip scratching the surface and simply applied the apple cider vinegar (ACV) directly to the mole.  I covered with a bandaid for around an hour give or take depending on the day three times a day morning, dinner time and bedtime.  It is important to wash the site with soap and water before each application.  I also recommend rubbing Vaseline very carefully around the mole to protect the skin around the mole, do not put on mole or the ACV will not work!  I have been doing this now for four days and I am beginning to see results slowly but surly as I see spots turing slightly black and getting dry.  Today on day five I decided yet again to change my steps and I took a safety pin to scratch the top surface of the two moles I made them ever so slightly bleed...although I have read from others that just picking at t it with a pin without causing it to bleed works as well. I did this and then applied the ACV... it stung slightly the first time and less each application since.  Already I see more of a difference today than the week of honey and the earlier attempts with ACV combined!   Due to this I have decided to share my progress through this experiment so stay tuned for more results and pictures.  Imagine it has been this easy the whole time!  Sidebar note the scratching of the mole and mine bled was not bad at all I thought it would be a say 5/10 on the pain scale but really it was more like 2/10 and you only need to do that in the mornings until it scabs.

1) Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with "mother"... not even that expensive I found mine in the organic  
     section of the grocery store.
2)  Safety Pin
3)  Vaseline
4)  Bandaids
5)  Q-Tips or cotton balls

1)  Wash area with soap and water and sterilize the safety pin.
2)  Gently pick, scratch or rough up the surface of your's really not that bad I promise!
3)  Rub Vaseline around the area of the mole avoiding the actual surface of the mole.
4)  Take a Q-Tip or cotton ( I use q-tips) and pull cotton in a small piece (I pluck the cotton off the tip
      of the Q-Tips and that is perfect.  Soak cotton in a capful of ACV and apply it directly on the
      surface of the mole and cover with a bandaid.
5) Leave on for a minimum of an hour.  I have read some how leave it on all the time and simply clean
    and re-add more cotton soaked in ACV.

I am amazed on how quick it is working since I have scratched the surface.  Perhaps the honey and other applications of ACV made a difference but regardless once the mole is scratched it is much faster so maybe start off that way.  Remember to always get moles checked before you try home treatment to rule out cancer.  I hope this works for you I am beyond excited and will update if it works and add pictures!

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