Saturday, July 12, 2014

TRIA 4x!

Well it has been two years since my last post!  Sorry to everyone that followed my blog.  I have decided to come back online in order to chronicle my experience with my new best friend.... the Tria 4x.
I have spent months going through every article, blog and youtube video I could find on the Tria 4x.
I was in astonishment that I had never heard of this until now.  I can buy a laser... a real laser.. and take it home? I know that it's not the laser from Goldfinger or anything, but it is a laser that can permanently remove hair.. and that my friends is amazing!

Now months later I finally made the leap and spent $500 on the Tria 4x.  I came home this morning from Sephora and immediately plugged it in in order to charge.  Imagine not having to shave everyday!  It was like it was birthday today,  I was giddy.  I'm not going to ramble on about who or how to use the Tria 4x.. it is all over the internet.  I am just going to share my experience, observations and results.
I'm hoping my experience can shed some light on some questions anyone may have.

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

more after break..

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Thursday, October 25, 2012


Hey guys,
I figured I would blog my Invisalign experience.  I have been scouring the internet for weeks now since I found out I was getting invisalign and I have not been able to find all the answers to my never-ending questions!
My teeth are actually pretty good I used to have braces years ago.  I lost my retainer when I was younger and never got another one.  My orthodontist told me a long time ago you are one of the ones who have to wear your retainer for the rest of your life...Now at 28 I wish I begged and pleaded my parents more as my teeth have a larger space then they did before I had braces!  My wisdom teeth were removed and that created more space for my teeth to move on top.


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Moles update...

THEY ARE GONE!! Yayyy apple cider really works for everything! Pin It

Saturday, October 6, 2012

If you need a fix! :) For all those old R&B fans :)

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Hey Guys!

Ok guys, how annoying am I? Sorry about the lack of posts lately, I am back in school and getting ready to move to Europe for grad school next year.  Needless to say it is all consuming. If you need a fix please check out my pinterest, I post on there everyday as it is much easier then making blog posts!!!    Of course I will be back from here to there until my next break however for daily jokes, outfit ideas, beauty tips, interior and exterior design ideas, recipes and so much more is all on my pinterest.  Please check it out so I don't feel that terrible!!
My account can be found at:

Hope to you will check it out, otherwise please be patient...I will be back sometime soon! Pin It

Saturday, September 22, 2012


I know I am terrible lately..School keeps me sooo busy! I will be adding more later!
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Outfit Ideas

I love these pants!

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KIds And Adults...Halloween Is Coming! Get Ideas


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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Interior and Exterior Design Ideas!!

Kids desk

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