Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 3 On The Apple Cider Vinegar Mole Removal

Hi everyone
I just thought I would do an update on the mole removal process.... Today is day three of scratching the mole and then applying the vinegar.  So far so good.  I woke up this morning and the moles seem to be turning black and beginning to scab over....this for me, is very exciting! The two moles are getting slightly sore to touch however the progress it is making can only be described as amazing and well worth it. .....(read more)

 I am going to continue to scratch the mole and applying the ACV.  I scratch the mole once a day and apply the AVC three times a day.  I am adding the video that caused me to take the plunge.. I hope he can show you actual results from a real person.  I will continue updating on the process but today I am very excited and see actual results...thank god! I can't believe its been so easy this whole time.  I strongly suggest if you have a mole and you hate it.  Both of my moles were raised and seemingly going to be successful.  If you have a flat mole expect results sooner.  I hope this video is insightful.

Happy mole removing and hello self esteem back!
keep checking for updates.. I have my before picture waiting for my after when successful I will post pictures! ...

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1 comment:

  1. Good sharing, fyi that apple cider vinegar (ACV) helps to boost metabolism, blocks the body’s storage of dietary fat plus breaks down and dissolves existing body fat. A study at Australia’s University of Sydney in which subjects who consumed two tablespoon of ACV daily experienced fewer surges and crashes in blood sugar levels. Read more at:


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