Friday, August 24, 2012

Use Your Touch Screen Underwater!??

A company named Freescale has developed new technology to use your touchscreen phone...underwater.   (get more of the story...)

        Have you ever tried to use your touch screen after washing the dishes or getting out of the shower? Well it is a lot easier said than done! With this new technology developed by Freescale, this may no longer be an issue. This technology was originally developed for industry such as the medical, industrial and automotive sectors.  Because this is simply a software update production of this new technology will be done with great ease.  We may see this technology sooner than we think.  The real question is will the insides of the phone be able to handle it? If phone companies are able to protect the inside of the phone (hardware), then this new technology allows use of touch screens underwater.  This is particularly helpful to those who work in or around water...drunk vacations, family, friends and even your children.  If the phone hardware follows the new software then you will be answering your phone in the shower in no time!

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