Saturday, December 1, 2012

more after break..

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Thursday, October 25, 2012


Hey guys,
I figured I would blog my Invisalign experience.  I have been scouring the internet for weeks now since I found out I was getting invisalign and I have not been able to find all the answers to my never-ending questions!
My teeth are actually pretty good I used to have braces years ago.  I lost my retainer when I was younger and never got another one.  My orthodontist told me a long time ago you are one of the ones who have to wear your retainer for the rest of your life...Now at 28 I wish I begged and pleaded my parents more as my teeth have a larger space then they did before I had braces!  My wisdom teeth were removed and that created more space for my teeth to move on top.


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Moles update...

THEY ARE GONE!! Yayyy apple cider really works for everything! Pin It

Saturday, October 6, 2012

If you need a fix! :) For all those old R&B fans :)

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Hey Guys!

Ok guys, how annoying am I? Sorry about the lack of posts lately, I am back in school and getting ready to move to Europe for grad school next year.  Needless to say it is all consuming. If you need a fix please check out my pinterest, I post on there everyday as it is much easier then making blog posts!!!    Of course I will be back from here to there until my next break however for daily jokes, outfit ideas, beauty tips, interior and exterior design ideas, recipes and so much more is all on my pinterest.  Please check it out so I don't feel that terrible!!
My account can be found at:

Hope to you will check it out, otherwise please be patient...I will be back sometime soon! Pin It

Saturday, September 22, 2012


I know I am terrible lately..School keeps me sooo busy! I will be adding more later!
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Outfit Ideas

I love these pants!

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KIds And Adults...Halloween Is Coming! Get Ideas


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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Interior and Exterior Design Ideas!!

Kids desk

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Eye Candy

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Back To School Outfits!!

Simple fall outfit...

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Jokes, I Went Back To School..I Have Been Slacking On My Blog ..There Will Be More!

I would lose it if George did this to my door!!
Get more....

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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Star Wars Death Star Tea Infuser

AHHHH Yes Please! I love this

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Photography And Eye Candy

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Outfit Ideas

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Friday, August 31, 2012


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Stuff To Fill The House

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Amazing Photography And Eye Candy

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JOKES.... Missed A Few Days

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Interior And Exterior Design Ideas

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Outfit Ideas..I've Been Busy So There Is A Lot!

Love this bag!

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Daily Interior and Exterior Design Ideas

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Outfit Ideas..

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Daily Jokes!


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Friday, August 24, 2012

Hands of A God??!

This was taken by my friend in Alberta Canada..not photoshopped..and oh so creepy..even if you don't believe in that! It lasted five minutes!

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Daily Jokes! I've Missed A Few Days..So Lots ..And There Will Be More!

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Interior And Exterior Design Ideas!


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Doors..You Know I Love them!

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Daily Outfit Ideas..

Like a boy...she does it nice!..more..
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Amazing Photos and Eye Candy!

what a great shot...more..

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Invisible Bike Helmets..Yup They're here!

Yup they did it! Watch this video ..and get excited!

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Use Your Touch Screen Underwater!??

A company named Freescale has developed new technology to use your touchscreen phone...underwater.   (get more of the story...)

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 5 of Apple Cider Vinegar - Mole Removal

Day 5:
Is the most exciting day yet.  The moles are now black, flat on the top and about half the size.  It seems that instead of the mole just falling off, my mole seems to be going down in layers.  As I said it is  now flat on the top of the surface.  I have decided to do the treatment three times a day, but now I am leaving it open with nothing on it over night.  It seems to be successful in letting it breath and scab over.  I will continue the update but so far so good very excited about the process. My estimate is that they will be gone in two weeks, stay posted! Pin It

Odd Life of Timothy Green! The Issues...And A Funny Video To Brighten The Day!

I have not watched the movie yet ...but with this reaction I am excited to see it!
It looks like Disney, like it or not has decided to teach children hard life lessons. I think this is a smart move by Disney as they have been taking flack lately for raising children with unachievable expectations.  (read more and watch video...... )

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012


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Amazing Photos and Eye Candy

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Interior and Exterior Design Ideas

Love this office space..

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Daily Outfit Ideas

For those times when you're on a cliff in know!

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Daily Jokes..Will post more later!

Worst burn ever! no more shorts for awhile until that evens out! hahah

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Roasted Poblanos in Cream Sauce (Rajas con Crema) Recipe

For the spicy creamy deliciousness! I was nervous I wasn't going to like this but the cream sauce makes it a wonderful combination of the two tastes I love. Oh and it is quick and easy....can't go wrong

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Chicken, Potato & Peanut Stew

For the upcoming fall and winter nights! 

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 3 On The Apple Cider Vinegar Mole Removal

Hi everyone
I just thought I would do an update on the mole removal process.... Today is day three of scratching the mole and then applying the vinegar.  So far so good.  I woke up this morning and the moles seem to be turning black and beginning to scab over....this for me, is very exciting! The two moles are getting slightly sore to touch however the progress it is making can only be described as amazing and well worth it. .....(read more)

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Daily Jokes...More To Come Later On Today :)

It's all about teamwork! hahah love these two.

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Interior and Exterior Design Ideas

Yayyy Bamboo.. Best renewable resource looks amazing and is not to pricey! 

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Daily Outfit Ideas!

I love the color of her shoes! Get more ideas ....

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Cinnamon Blueberry Biscoff Breakfast Cookies

Cookies for Breakfast? Yes Please! I Will be making these for tomorrow morning..Big Hopes on these ones!

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Smashed Tomato Penne with Crumbled Tempeh

This was delicious!  Get recipe..

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Coconut Bacon

Yeah that's right! If you are anything like me bacon anything sounds good! Get this amazing recipe..

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Pumpkin carrot soup with coconut milk

Halloween is coming and this is perfect for the ever approaching fall nights!
Get recipe...

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One More Door..

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Cool Chair

A Book Chair!

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More Jokes!

Smart Thinking!!
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More Amazing Photography..

After a rain storm in England..
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Free Domain Name